Be Sold on Yourself Before You Can Differentiate Yourself
Attitude is defined as a mental position with regard to a fact or state and a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state
ATTITUDE: In order to succeed in your job or life, you will require the right foundation from which to build your winning platform. Being sold on yourself is key to creating this launchpad, and consists on 4 main pillars:
- Attitude
- Mindset
- Commitment
- Confidence.
Today we will start this post by sharing observations and key learning for Attitude and the Power of Attitude.
The Merriam-Webster definition of Attitude is defined as a mental position with regard to a fact or state and a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state such as a positive, optimistic attitude or a negative attitude. It is a well known fact in both business and sports that Attitudes have the power to lift a team up or bring an entire team down. In fact, Attitudes, good or bad, compound when exposed to others and if left alone, and unchecked they can ruin everything.
“You can make yourself happy or make yourself miserable, the amount of work is the same.”
Esteemed leadership author Dr. John Maxwell comments “your attitude has a profound impact on your life.” Think of the best business leaders you have encountered, the best salesperson you have ever seen or coaches and athletes. What kind of attitude did they exhibit? Were they competitive? How organized were they? What work ethic did they show? Were they confident? Positive? Knowledgeable?
Now, think about yourself. What type of Attitude do you have? What is your attitude toward your work? Your life? What are some of the things that you can control that can affect your attitude? What are some of the things you can’t control that affect your Attitude?
Here are some tips for you to create a personal ATTITUDE checklist.
- Assess your Attitude. What is it today? What has to change?
- List the traits of a great attitude.
- Be the first one to do things no matter what
- Train, then train some more, and then keep training
- Get going, prepare, take action, then prepare again
- Don’t quit, don’t give up
- Focus on what is possible, not what isn’t
- Push others to new heights previously unattainable
- Continue to seek new challenges and reset your goals
- Be hungry, devour information
- Try new things, even if it means getting out of your comfort zone
- Be positive when people tell you why you can’t do certain things
Remember, the Power of your Attitude can lift a team to reach heights previously unattainable or bring an entire team down. It’s up to YOU.
Author Carlos Castenada stated, “You can make yourself happy or make yourself miserable, the amount of work is the same.”